Saturday, May 12, 2012

April 17, 2012

Here is the update on Mom for April the 17th, 2012.

I am actually very optimistic and happy while I am writing this. Mom had a great day today and showed some major signs of improvement. Also, I noticed my hands smell like some lotion from Bath and Body Works... She asked me to rub her feet several times and rub some on her arms while avoiding her ports. That was definitely the least I could do for her.
Her kidney biopsy results did not return today. She is still in ICU (Intensive Care Unit). She is still on the ventilator and feeding tubes, but hopefully that will come out sometime TOMORROW.
She was noticeably more alert today. She has numbers on a monitor displaying a few items: Blood pressure, alertness level, and oxygen level. Her blood pressure was very normal (I don't remember what it was...), and when alertness level is at 0 that means she is sleeping. 7-10 means she is awake, but not active. 20 means she is moving around and being active. Her alertness stayed in the 17-25 range while I was there, which indicated her being more awake and more alert. 100 is the highest oxygen levels can rise to. It should be in the 90-100 range. The average was about 95, which is excellent for her telling doctors she may be able to get off the ventilator on Wednesday. Great news on all of that for today.
Her dialysis was started today at about 9 am. Let me explain quick what it is. They bring in some blood and large machine. This machine acts as mechanical kidneys. It sends filtered blood into her and filters her blood out for cleaning and back in. That was about an hour and forty five minute process. That did go very well. They had a second machine that separated the plasma in her blood. The plasma had an excess amount of protein in it, which is not good. This tried to remove a lot of the protein in her blood. That went well as far as I know. Her doctors did come into see her a few times today. Her medicine Cytoxan is not being used as chemo. It is used to help blood vessels not swell as much and to help the kidneys out. The medication does have one bad side affect: Losing hair. They did say this would happen, but eventually her hair should grow back. She will look beautiful with or without hair.
She did keep asking Shannon to paint her nails. She also asked us to put lotion on her a lot on her arms and feet. We got her whiteboard to write us some things. She said the first thing she wants to do when she is released from St. Joseph's is cash in her lottery tickets that she won. She said she wanted to go out to eat with all of us as a family. She did keep asking if I had homework, and I said no. I absolutely LOVE IT when she writes "I love you" on there. It shows that being in the hospital does not turn her sour. She will be in ICU for a while, but hopefully she can be moved out by the end of the week.
Today was a great day overall for her. She has a positive attitude and smiles when she can. No talking yet, but we have basically figured out what she needs or wants when she makes a gesture.
She is getting rest and is trying to get us to get some rest. She told her nurse this past morning at 3 am that she would like to talk to us on the phone. Her nurse explained that we were sleeping and would call her later.
She loves her family, and we for sure love her. She is such a trooper and fighter to say the least.
Thanks so much for all the texts and messages. The level of support, love, and care this family receives is phenomenal. We really appreciate all the prayers and things people have done for us. We love you all!
Until tomorrow,

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