Sunday, May 13, 2012

May 5, 2012 - Evening

Tonight's update on Mom, 5/1/2012:

This morning dad took mom to Atlanta for her dialysis training as usual which is across the street from St. Joseph's. While she was there, she couldn't breathe and that is because of fluid build up in her lungs. Luckily, she was not on her way home in rush hour traffic or at home an hour away from the hospital, because who knows what could have happened. She was taken across the street to St. Joseph's again, to the ER. They did a lung x-ray rich did show fluid in her lungs. She has been on a sodium free and very low sugar "diet" which has helped keep her healthy since she has not been on dialysis. Since she has not been on dialysis, her blood has not been filtered and it makes her body swell from all the extra fluid, and the fluid makes its way to her lungs. It was good that she was so close to the hospital today; I believe this was God's grace. I just talked to her on the phone at about 8:30 and she was out of breath. She is back where she started: Floor 4 of St. Joseph's. She is having a procedure done tomorrow to remove the fluid that is there since she isn't on dialysis. She is going to be staying the night. Let's hope all goes well tomorrow and that she can come home tomorrow without complications, and that she can get started on home dialysis soon to prevent more problems. God's hand is on her, and she is always in good hands.

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