Saturday, May 12, 2012

Late afternoon of April 14, 2012

A few updates on Mom-

First off, if you called me, texted, or messaged me yesterday and I did not respond back directly, I apologize. I will try and get back to my voicemails and texts later. We have been busy and yes, I am feeling a little overwhelmed right now. 

Mom is in the hospital with dad. Shannon and my neighbors Amy and Kathy are watching us and taking care of Daniel and I and Shannon. 

Mom has been losing large amounts if blood, because with her vomiting so often is mainly mucus and blood. Her nurse did collect a sample for testing. She did have ultrasound done on her kidneys; they seem to think something is wrong with them. She had an MRI today as well of her chest to look for any obvious signs if anything. She has not had much fluid at all. Her skin is becoming very dry and flakey since she is dehydrated. At first they said the fluid in her lungs may be pneumonia. Then they decided it was not since she was not running much fluid at all. Her skin is becoming very dry and flakey since she is dehydrated. At first they said the fluid in her lungs may be pneumonia. Then they decided it was not since she was not running a high fever and was lacking a few symptoms. They started naming off diseases and other things she may have or viruses, but that is undetermined thus far. She is very tired and aching from being up sick constantly. She is not stable enough to walk. She has a wheelchair for getting around. Her kidneys are failing and are not working completely correctly.
I think she thinks this her fault, but trust me, this is not her fault. We do not know anything else yet, but I will keep everyone updated as I know more. We will do everything we can for her.
If you have any questions feel free to call me - or Facebook message me.
Also, instead of individually updating people, I decided this would be easiest in me.
Please love and prayers her way! It means so much to her to have great people and friends who care about her. I just cannot stand to see her like this. More updates coming soon.

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