Saturday, May 12, 2012

Late evening of April 14, 2012

Here is the update on Mom for today:

She is still anemic. She was throwing up earlier today and it was again more blood and mucus. She has been tired, but got a better night's sleep last night than previously. Her room is right by the nurses station, so there is constantly beeping and noise. 
I told her that so many people I know from school and Grace- Snellville have called me and left voicemails, have texted me, messaged me, and even tried to FaceTime me. She said to tell everyone she really appreciates all of the care you all are giving to us and her, and that she really believes the prayers will be answered.
I had my younger brother Daniel bring his laptop to the hospital for Mom and Dad logged into his Skype account and mine is here at the house on my Skype account so we can easily video call during night time or during the week without driving all the way to St. Joseph's in Atlanta.
I have let her listen to my voicemails if you called me and left me one as well. If I still have not texted you back or called you back, I apologize. I will try to get back with a few of the people tonight and talk for a while.
Not only is she anemic, but she still has a headache and will not really eat anything. She was put on oxygen to help her breathe better than she has been.
The doctors did a scan on her legs to check for blood clots, and there are no blood clots.
They did an echo cardiogram on her heart today and that also went well with no problems.
They are still not sure what the fluid in her lungs was. They are doing a biopsy on her kidneys on Monday, which will hopefully tell us some things as far as where she will be going from that point and what may be wrong with her (partially).
Prayer is continued for her all the time. She has so many loving people in her life which is part of why she is such a happy person.
You can call and leave me a voicemail for her if you would like, or we could try FaceTime tomorrow at the hospital if she is up to it. Also, if you wanted to come and see her you can call me and we can see how she is feeling and if she is up for visitors.
Thanks so much for all of the continued support. It means a lot to all of us and it definitely keeps me hopeful.

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